
Privacy Policy

Last update: 04.04.2023


Conditions of access to the website
Every person (hereinafter referred to as the "user") who visits this website is assumed to have unconditionally accepted the entirety of all terms and conditions of use of the website owner (hereinafter referred to as the "publisher").

The website is accessible anytime and anywhere in the world. It is the sole responsibility of the user accessing the website to comply with the laws and regulations in force in their country of residence or in the country from which the website is accessed.

Changes to these Terms of Use, jurisdiction and applicable law
These terms of use can be changed by the publisher at any time. The terms and conditions of use applicable to any use of the website are those published on the website at the time the user consults it. The nullity or invalidity of any provision of these Terms of Use will not affect the other provisions of these Terms.

Disclaimer of liability
Although all information on the website has been carefully checked, it is distributed for information only. Under no circumstances can the publisher be held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, nor can it issue guarantees about its completeness, accuracy or timeliness. All information is given subject to changes, errors or omissions.

The publisher is also not responsible for the content provided by third parties to which the website refers via hyperlinks. Ultimately, the publisher assumes no responsibility and excludes warranty claims in the event of failure or poor functioning of the website. The publisher can also not be held responsible for the user directly or indirectly by accessing or using the website for any damage.


Data Security
In order to protect the security of user data when it is transmitted over the Internet, the publisher uses state-of-the-art encryption methods (e.g. SSL) over HTTPS.

The security of personal data is important to the publisher. The publisher follows generally applicable procedures for the protection of transmitted user data, both during transmission and during storage. Nevertheless, no online data transfer process or no storage process is 100% secure. For this reason, the publisher can never guarantee absolute security. Due to the need for technical protection of the data by the publisher, the publisher can store personal data on systems that are beyond direct access by the publisher (for example on servers of data centers, hosting partners or on backup servers).

Processing of personal data
Personal data may only be collected and processed in accordance with the rules and laws of data protection.In certain cases, especially when the user fills out and submits a form on the website, it is possible that certain personal data are stored on the server. The publisher processes the data transmitted by the user for the sole purpose of processing his request and for further communication that arises from a possible business relationship between the publisher and the user.The transmitted data of the user may also be stored on the server for backup purposes, logging purposes and / or for statistical analysis. In this case, the storage period is a maximum of 26 months, after which the data is automatically deleted. This information is considered confidential and treated accordingly. They are therefore never sold or passed on to third parties without the prior consent of the user.

The user has the right to view, adapt or delete his data at any time by applying in writing to the following address: roger@jgl-strategicsolutions.lu


Web analytics

Matomo is a web analytics service that collects information about website visitors such as pages visited, time spent on the website, and device used. This information is used to generate anonymous reports for website owners. Matomo uses techniques to protect visitor privacy, such as pseudonymizing IP addresses and honoring "Do Not Track" settings. Website owners have full control over their analytics data and can delete or export it at any time.


Cookies on this website
Like most websites, this website uses cookies. Cookies are small, harmless text files that under no circumstances have an impact on your private life or the security of your computer. Cookies improve the comfort of the user on the website.

Cookie settings
Since the function of this website cannot be guaranteed without the use of its own cookies, the publisher of this website encourages those users who do not consent to the use of cookies to exit the website immediately and end the browser session. You can disable or block cookies.

Company Registration & Editors & Design

JGL Alpine Ski Racing Team
84, Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
L-9515 Wiltz
Luxembourg / Europe

RCS: F13543

Roger ten Raa

Design Partner:
8digit S.à r.l

Website Created:
8digit S.à r.l

Copyright & trademark rights

© 2023 JGL Alpine Ski Racing Team. All rights reserved.
Photos & illustrations: © JGL Alpine Ski Racing Team.
All texts, images and other content are protected by copyright.

Any reproduction or redistribution without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.